Beginner’s Guide: All You Need To Know

Michelle Zunter is a Canadian-turned-American writer for HuffPost, based in California. Typically, she blogs about love, philosophy, and relationships. Her article “A Beginner’s Guide to Astrological Signs: Does Your Sign Really Sync With Your Personality?” was originally published for Exemplore.

Michelle describes the long history of the star studies as “a constant theme in many cultures” that “cannot be disputed.” To understand the in-depth analyses of all things astrology, you must know the basics first: the signs—along with their goods and bads.

Aries: March 21st-April 19th, fire sign, symbolized by the ram. It is the first of the astrological zodiac signs. It is representative of new beginnings and considered the “most dramatic” of all the fire signs. Being impulsive, brave, quick-witted, irritable, leaders, and independent are a few of their most prominent traits.

Taurus: April 20th-May 20th, Earth sign, symbolized by the bull. People born within this timeframe are typically perceived as grounded, stubborn, selectively affectionate, dependable, obsessive, stable, and comforting.

Gemini: May 21st-June 20th, air sign, symbolized by the twins. As implied by the sign, those born within these dates tend to have a “dual nature.” Geminis are generally flexible, restless, indecisive, sentimental, imaginative, adverse to change, worrisome, and fickle.

Cancer: June 21st-July 22nd, water sign, symbolized by the crab. Cancers seem to be changeable and emotional by nature, influenced by their environments and surrounding situations. If you are a Cancer, you are most likely loyal, protective, clingy, moody, imaginative, and easily carried away.

Leo: July 23rd-August 22nd, fire sign, symbolized by the lion. The most outgoing of all the signs. As expected by the implied dominant nature, Leos are extroverted, generous, adventurous, spontaneous, leaders, arrogant, dark, loyal, and exciting.

Virgo: August 23rd-September 22nd, Earth sign, symbolized by the maiden. The best sign (wink). Represented by a powerful female (because of course), Virgos carry their typical attributes of reliability, control, meticulousness, observance, curiosity, perfectionism, and insight.

Libra: September 23rd-October 22nd, air sign, symbolized by the scales. Libras are romantic, charming, positive, peaceful, moderate, jealous, and fickle.

Scorpio: October 23rd-November 21st, water sign, symbolized by the scorpion. Scorpios tend to use their voices. They are outspoken, and with that, they are also temperamental, engaged, practical, analytical, sensible, charismatic, resentful, and passionate.

Sagittarius: November 22nd-December 21st, fire sign, symbolized by the archer. Those born within these cold, winter months tend to come off as adventurous, energetic, loyal, fun, impatient, optimistic, and superstitious.

Capricorn: December 22nd-January 19th, Earth sign, symbolized by the sea-goat. They are reliable and stable, more-so than those of the other signs. They are ambitious, hard-working, independent, entertaining, and giving.

Aquarius: January 20th-February 18th, air sign, symbolized by the water bearer. Those born into this sign tend to be extremely charming. They may initially come off as cold, but beneath the surface are full of love. They are honest, logical, gentle, exuberant, cautious, bold, resentful, secretive, and magnetic.

Pisces (finally): February 19th-March 20th, water sign, symbolized by the fish. Pisces generally put the needs of those around them before their own. They are intuitive, empathetic, emotional, comforting, idealistic, artistic, delicate, and understanding.

Some of these characteristics seem interchangeable/similar, but when comparing them to the people they apply to in my own life, they make complete sense.

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